` 역대 수상자 - 학술행사 : (사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

역대 수상자

2023 추계 - 수상자 안내

2023 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회
- 수상자 안내 -
Biochips beyond Fundamental Research
KBCS - CHEMINAS Joint Symposium
2023년 11월 15일(수)~11월 17일(금) / 제주 신화월드

■ 2023 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회 학회상

학회상 수상자
학술대상 장성수 교수(서울아산병원)
신인학술상 이 택 교수(광운대학교)
공로상 이정헌 교수(성균관대학교), 도준상 교수(서울대학교)
BioChip Journal 학술상(우수논문) 김홍남 박사(KIST), 김가영 교수(단국대학교), 성혜정 박사(KIST),
최진하 교수(전북대학교), 우민아 박사(식품연구원)
BioChip Journal 학술상(피인용) 이내윤 교수(가천대학교) 
BioChip Journal 학술상(최다다운로드) 강민희 박사(삼성서울병원)
BioChip Journal 학술상(인용) 이정헌 교수(성균관대학교), 김태형 교수(중앙대학교), 이내윤 교수(가천대학교),
허윤석 교수(인하대학교), 최종훈(중앙대학교), 신용 교수(연세대학교),
김도현(명지대학교), 장형진(경희대학교)
산학협력공로상(대상) 황상현 (서울아산병원)
산학협력공로상(금상) 박유민 박사(NNFC),  이태재 박사(NNFC), 전누리 교수(서울대학교)
산학협력공로상(은상) 김동환 교수(성균관대학교), 김상경 박사(KIST), 박성수 교수(성균관대학교),
손미진 대표이사((주)수젠텍), 신용범 박사((재)바이오나노헬스가드연구단),
이광호 교수(강원대), 양성윤 교수(충남대학교), 이경균 박사(NNFC)
산학협력공로상(동상) 김영필 교수(한양대학교), 신동식 교수(숙명여자대학교), 신용 교수(연세대학교),
윤현철 교수(아주대학교), 이윤식 대표이사((주)비드테크), 정기훈 교수(KAIST)

- 최우수 구두 발표상

성명 소속 초록 제목
백세움 고려대학교 Chip Collection of Hypoxic Hepatocellular Carcinoma from Heterogeneous Patient Tissue
박태인 고려대학교 Polymerase Arrest SELEX: Development of Novel Enzyme-based Selection Stringency for Aptamer Discovery
김명규 연세대학교 Deep Learning Assisted Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Rapid and Direct Nucleic Acid Amplification and Detection: Toward Enhanced Molecular Diagnostics

- 우수 구두 발표상

성명 소속 초록 제목
김혜리 고려대학교 Highly Scalable Microfluidic Intracellular Delivery Platform to Produce Highly Efficient NK Cell-based Immunotherapy
구경모 중앙대학교 An Electrochemical Biosensor to Distinguish Benign from Malignant Breast Tumors Based on Differences in Cell Energy Metabolism
정혜진 UNIST Organoid-Based Human Stomach Micro-Physiological System to Recapitulate the Dynamic Mucosal Defense Mechanism

- 최우수 포스터 발표상

성명 소속 초록 제목
권준호UNISTDiscovering the Biomarkers of Astrocyte-Derived Extracellular Vesicles induced by Glutamate in Glioblastoma
김수연인천대학교Barcoded-PEDGA Microparticles for Monitoring Pathogenic Bacteria in Multiplexed-Manner
김형주중앙대학교Non-Destructive Discrimination of Naive and Primed PSCs using Electrochemical Method
정은지연세대학교Ultrasensitive Naked-Eye Sensor for Influenza A Virus Detection via Enzymatic Property of Layered Gold Nanoparticles
허유빈한국과학기술연구원Photonic PCR with In-situ Reduced Graphene Oxide-Embedded Hydrogel Micro Reactors
정효기고려대학교Artificially Engineered Amyloid Peptide-Based Rapid Drug Screening Platform of Inhibitors against the main Protease of SARS-CoV-2
권용진세종대학교Engineering a Muscular Bilayer System for Clinical Trials and Microphysiological System
서은우한국과학기술연구원Microenvironment Simulation of Age-related Disease by Inducing Aging of the Blood-brain Barrier on 3D Engineered chip
김민석세종대학교Bio-Ink and Bio-Printing for Design and Fabrication of 3D Cardiac Tissue Structures
박원빈POSTECH3D Bioprinted Cerebrovascular Tissue for Investigating Effects of Blood Vessel Geometry on Cancer Extravasation
김창대중앙대학교Long-Term Electrochemical Monitoring of cellular function and viability using Thermally Annealed Large-Scale Gold Nanostructure Platform 
안준성가천대학교Real-Time Imaging of Tau-381 Protein Using Liquid Crystal-Based Sensors for Alzheimer's Disease Detection
최준희고려대학교Analyzing Graphically Encoded Hydrogel Microparticles through Deep Learning
김시우서강대학교Biohybrid Robot-on-a-chip Mimicking Human Motor System for Neurodegenerative Disease Drug Evaluation
김정민UNISTNatural Polyphenol-Mediated Assembly of Cell Membrane on Nanoparticles
김유정고려대학교Droplet Cell Pincher (DCP): Encapsulate and Pinch the Cell for Highly Efficient CRISPR-Mediated Genome Engineering
신혜원고려대학교Development of a Maskless Lithography Optical System for in Situ Oligonucleotide Synthesis
정성훈서울대학교Tumor Microenvironment Reconstruction in a Microfluidic Platform: Evaluating Drug Effects through Comprehensive Analysis
배가현성균관대학교Magnetized Microspheres Delivering Oncolytic Bacteria: A Dual Approach for Enhanced Cancer Treatment and MR Imaging
곽수민연세대학교Brain-Specific Decellularized Extracellular Matrices for Neuronal Cell Cultures

- 우수 포스터 발표상

성명 소속 초록 제목
김동훈고려대학교Analysis of Astaxanthin Accumulation Kinetic in Haematococcus Pluvialis through in Vivo Single Cell Monitoring and Real-Time Quantification of Astaxanthin using Raman Micro-Spectroscop
양혜주KAISTHeat Transfer Analysis of Chip Calorimeter Design for Optimization of Thermal Conductance
배용희연세대학교Implementation of Reconfigurable Logic-In-Memory using Biological Crossbar Neuronal Networks
이명준서강대학교Glass-based Pumpless Electrical Microfluidic Device for the Detection of Exosomal Biomarkers using Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification
홍지혜고려대학교Enhancing the Capture Efficiency of LFAs via Spatial-Selective Target-Concentration in the Test Line
안영민한밭대학교Temperature-sensitive Hydrogels
for Sensitive Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection
최예진KAISTConfigurable and Linkable Hanging Drop Microarray for High-Throughput Formation and Versatile Analysis of Spheroid Array
이수미부산대학교Design of Porous Membranes for Organs-on-chips by Computational Simulations
이윤지POSTECH3D-Printed Airway Model to Study SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Antiviral Drug Testing
최하영한국과학기술연구원Enhancing Mechanical Strength of Biodegradable Microneedles for Reliable Drug Delivery
박종호KAISTA Bioprinted 3D Hydrogel Model with Dome-like Structure to Analyze Morphology and Functionality of a Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue
김민준인천대학교Barcoded-PEGDA Microparticles for Digital and Multiplexed Analysis of Disease-related Biomarkers
문영광성균관대학교Elevating Multi-Detection Lateral Flow Immunoassay
through the Use of Diverse Nanoparticles
최희선성균관대학교Fabrication of Smart Mask for Real-Time Disease Monitoring via Exhaled Breath Analysis Using Plasma Ion Porous Lithography
허웅연세대학교All-In-One Device for On-Site Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and M.tuberculosis (TB) by using Self-Contained Cartridge System
명세진한밭대학교Heterotypic Cell-laden Alginate Hydrogel for Tumor Immunotherapy
김지수인천대학교Enhanced Convective Transport in a Multi-Organ Model for Optimized Pancreas-Liver Interaction
김도연서울시립대학교MOF-Derived Silver-Cobalt Nanocomposite with Synergistic Photoactive Antibacterial Effect
염예진POSTECHTattoo Sticker-Like Freeform Cell Migration-Based Cell Sheet Delivery Method
홍민기서울대학교3D Bioengineered Cardiac Tissue Constructs for Assessing the Effect of Nanomaterials and their size on the Blockage of the Human Ether-ὰ-Go-Go-Related Gene Potassium Channel

(사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
전화 : 070-7767-9855
전자우편 : biochip@biochip.or.kr
전화 : 070-7767-9867
전자우편 : biochip2@biochip.or.kr
주소 : (우)06130, 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로7길 22 과학기술회관 1관 804호    대표자 : 박현규   고유번호 : 206-82-65403   팩스 : 02-921-9856
웹사이트 : https://www.biochips.or.kr Copyright © The Korean BioChip Society. All Rights Reserved.