` 역대 수상자 - 학술행사 : (사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

역대 수상자

2012춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 수상자 안내

■ 2012 춘계학술대회 - 우수논문 발표상<가나다순>

강도현 (서울대학교)
"Polydiacetylene Liposome Microarrays for Biomimetic Aminoglycosidic Antibiotics Detection"
권태홍 (서울대학교)
"Graphically Witable Mcroparticle Gneration using a Potoluminescent Mterial for bead-based Assay"
김광복 (서울대학교)
"Dynamic Preconcentration of Gold Nanoparticles for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering in a Microfluidic System"
김래영 (KAIST)
"Fabrication of a novel neural signal sensor with gold nanostructures using electrochemical deposition"
김 정 (KAIST)
"Nanowire arrays in microfluidic channel for mechanical cell lysis application"
백재민 (고려대학교)
"Detection of Influenza viruses by SOIL-based nanoarrays"
신유진 (고려대학교)
"The role of tumour heterogeneity in breast cancer metastasis"
이상엽 (한양대학교)
"Silica encapsulated gold hollow nanoprobes for multiplexed SERS identification of breast cancer"
정재환 (KAIST)
"Bead-based sample pretreatment microdevice based on centrifugal force"
정진호 (KAIST)
"Simultaneous generation and separation of droplets by means of the optical scattering force"
정찬우 (한양대학교)
"Anisotropic Biohybrid Microparticles for Multiplexing System of Fluorescence-based Biosensing"
조시형 (한양대학교)
"Characterization of Nanoarray Biosensor made by Wafer-scale Fabrication Method for Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Analysis"
황상범 (한양대학교)
"Studies on Non-equilibrium Electrokinetic Micromixer with Nanoporous Membrane"
Muhammad (한양대학교)
"Nanoparticles for drug deliveryapplicarions"

(사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
전화 : 070-7767-9855
전자우편 : biochip@biochip.or.kr
전화 : 070-7767-9867
전자우편 : biochip2@biochip.or.kr
주소 : (우)06130, 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로7길 22 과학기술회관 1관 804호    대표자 : 박현규   고유번호 : 206-82-65403   팩스 : 02-921-9856
웹사이트 : https://www.biochips.or.kr Copyright © The Korean BioChip Society. All Rights Reserved.