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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.6 - No.2 (2012.06.20)
Title Gentiana scabra extracts stimulate glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion via G protein-coupled receptor pathway
Authors Min-Hee Shin1,??/sup>, Hyo-Weon Suh1,??/sup>, Ki-Beom Lee1,??/sup>, Ki-Suk Kim1,??/sup>, Hea Jung Yang1, Eun-Kyeong Choi1, Yu Jeong Cho1, Mi-Yeon Song1, Kwang Seok Ahn1 & Hyeung-Jin Jang1
Institutions 1College of Oriental Medicine, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Heogi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-701, Korea
??/sup>These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.J. Jang (hjjang@khu.ac.kr)
Abstract Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) which secreted by enteroendocrine L cell have been issued as a therapeutic agent for type II diabetes mellitus, because of its function to stimulate insulin secretion in pancreatic 棺-cells. It is widely studied that sweet, bitter, and umami taste stimuli induce the secretion of GLP-1 in enteroendocrine L cell via G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathway. Gentiana scabra (GS) is one of the bitter tasting herbal medicines which have been used in traditional oriental medicine to treat the diabetes mellitus. This study shows the GLP-1 secretion of the enteroendocrine L cell stimulated by stimulation of GS extractions through GPCR pathway. To examine the molecular mode-of-action, GLP-1 ELISA and microarray was performed. This study provides the understanding the possibility of GS used as a therapeutic herbal medicine for the type II diabetes.
Keyword Gentiana scabra (GS), Glucagon-like peptide- 1 (GLP-1), NCI-H716, Type II diabetes mellitus, Herbal medicine
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