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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

논문 정보 자세히 보기

Info. Vol.6 - No.3 (2012.09.20)
Title Gene expression profile of NF觀B repressing factor(NKRF) knockdown cells by microarray analysis
Authors Sun Yaqiong1, Zheng Dan1, Gu Shaohua1 , Mao Yumin1& Xie Yi1
Institutions 1Institute of Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, PR China
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y. Xie (yxie@fudan.edu.cn)
Abstract Human NF觀B repressing factor(NKRF) is a negative regulation transcription factor, which is able to repress transcription by binding to the negative regulatory element(NRE) near the NF觀B binding site in certain genes??promoters. Current researches reveals that NKRF represses the activation of IFN-棺, IL-8,hiNOS and HIV-1 by NF觀B. We used optical fiber beadchip to analysis the different gene expression patterns of RNAi mediated NKRF knockdown HEK293 cells and found that several genes showed significant change of expression levels. Real-time PCR was performed to verify the changes of expression of candidate genes. We analyzed the function of candidate genes by searching the gene ontology databases and publications and revealed that these genes functioned in cell cycle,cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell migration, DNA repair, transcription, metabolism, response to stimulus and signal transduction. This study provides new perspectives on NKRF?셲 potential multiple functions.
Keyword NKRF, RNAi, Microarray, Gene expression profile
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