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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.2 - No.3 (2008.09.20)
Title Characterization of Novel Self Assembled Materials (SAM) for Surface Modification of Sensor Chip
Authors Hyung Min Cho1, Dae Ho Jang1, Seung Kwon Lee, Su Jin Ku1, Hyun Chul Kim2, Kyu Sang Yu1 & Joong Whan Lee1
Institutions 1Research Institute, Korea Materials & Analysis Corp. (K-MAC), Daejeon, Korea 2BioConvergence Technology Research Team, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST), Daegu, Korea
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.S. Yu (ksyu@kmac.to)
Abstract Recently, researchers have been frequently using a biosensor-based gold chip couple detection method. The gold surface is modified for various materials including self assembly monolayer (SAM), biotin, streptavidin, dextran, Prolinker, protein G, lipid bi-layer, etc. for use as a biosensor, diagnosis system. The modified gold surface can enhance the immobilization amounts, orientation, activity, and stability of the receptor, and decrease the non-specific binding. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is made of optical biosensors that are widely gaining recognition as a valuable tool to investigate biological interactions. The key features of SPR biosensors make this technology suitable for a wide range of applications. We have SPR system of fluidic type. Our SPR system can detect biomolecules-biomolecules or biomolecules-sensor surface interaction. A biosensor for the detection of small molecules or diagnostic markers requires high sensitivity. One of the methods for enhancing sensitivity is a surface modification to provide a bio-adaptable space. In this study, we modified the surface of a bare gold chip by using our NHS-SAM for enhancing of the detection sensitivity, and we compared its results with a commercial SAM. We also observed the antigenantibody interaction and compared its results using an SPR analyzer.
Keyword SPR, Biosensor, Biochip, SAM, Surface Modification
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(사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
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