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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

논문 정보 자세히 보기

Info. Vol.9 - No.4 (2015.12.20)
Title Metabolic Changes in Marine Medaka Fish (Oryzias javanicus) in Response to Acute 4-nonlyphenol Toxicity
Authors Seungshic Yum1,2,*, Ye Jin Jo1 & Seonock Woo1,2
Institutions 1South Sea Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Geoje 656-830, Korea
2Faculty of Marine Environmental Chemistry and Biology, University of Science and Technology, Geoje 656-830, Korea
Abstract The differentially expressed genes in the liver tissue of the marine medaka fish, Oryzias javanicus, were profiled using an oligo microarray (EnviHaz Fish Array ver. 01) after the fish were exposed to 20 關g/L 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) for 12, 24, 48, or 72 h to determine the metabolic and physiological changes with exposure time. The transcriptomic changes were highly dynamic in the 4-NP exposed fish in that among the 216 differentially expressed genes identified in all four exposed fish groups, 106 genes (49.1%) appeared after a specific exposure time. The differentially expressed genes were used to predict the changes that occurred in the metabolic pathways and processes in response to 4-NP exposure. Many physiological and metabolic changes were detected in the early phase of exposure. Significant vitellogenin expression and an estrogenic stimulus response were observed in the fish exposed to 4-NP for 48 h. These results extend our understanding of the biological responses to environmental chemicals at the molecular level and will allow the toxic effects of environmental chemicals, especially endocrine-disrupting chemicals, to be evaluated.
Keyword Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, Differential gene expression profile, Oligo-microarray
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(사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
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