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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.10 - No.1 (2016.03.20)
Title Environmental Risk Assessment of Toxicity Exposure: High-throughput Expression Profiling
Authors Ji Young Hong1, So Yeon Yu2, Jeong Jin Ahn1, Seol Young Kim1, Gi Won Kim2,Youngjoo Kim1, Sang Wook Son3 & Seung Yong Hwang1,2,*
Institutions 1Department of Bio-Nanotechnology, Hanyang University,Sangnok-gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2Department of Molecular & Life Science, Hanyang University, Sangnok-gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
3Department of Dermatology, Korea University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Abstract Recently, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in outdoor air pollution have led to major public health problems and the identification of specific minimally invasive biomarkers for assessing environmental toxicant exposure has become increasingly important. However, research into the human health effects of inhalation exposure to VOCs remains insufficient. Using a microarray based approach, we identified and validated characteristic mRNA expression profiles in the human whole blood of workers exposed to VOCs (toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene), which were then compared with genomic level expressions in workers not exposed to the toxicants. We surveyed 141 workers working in a chemical production factory, of which 66 were not exposed to VOCs. We identified 4384 characteristic discernible exposure indicator mRNAs for toluene, 1296 for ethylbenzene, and 5821 for xylene. Using these, we were able to discern those subjects from the control group to a higher accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity than when using urinary biomarkers. The results showed that altered levels of mRNA can be a reliable, novel, and minimally invasive biological indicator of occupational exposure to VOCs. Future research directions should consider the adverse effects of exposure to VOCs on epigenetic regulation.
Keyword Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, Gene expression profiling, Microarray, Environmental Risk Assessment
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