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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

논문 정보 자세히 보기

Info. Vol.11 - No.4 (2017.12.20)
Title Voltage Regulation of Retina Neuron Model with Dynamic Feedback for Biological Acquisition Image
Authors Ala?셙Ddin Al-Shidaifat1, Sandeep Kumar1 & Hanjung Song1,*
Institutions 1Department of Nanoscience and Engineering, Center for Nano Manufacturing, Inje University, Gimhae 50834, Republic of Korea
*Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H. Song (hjsong@inje.ac.kr)
Abstract The investigation on biological activated imagers using standard CMOS processes has become continuous trend where silicon retina with central- plane image processing, small pixel sizes, large dynamic range and relatively low power consumption are required. This work proposes a voltage regulation of retina neuron model with dynamic feedback approach for biological acquisition image. The implementation of retina neuron circuit consists of conventional current-feedback event generator with the extension of proposed current mirror and dynamic feedback stage. The proposed neuron circuit achieves extremely high dynamic voltage range with respect to light intensity which help to detect biological acquisition image and could be beneficial for retinal prostheses. Moreover, individually modelling of photodiode using Verilog-A and device model is proposed for activation of current-feedback event generator. This modeling of photodiode permits to simple, compact and linear solution for pixel implementation. The proposed voltage controlled retina neuron circuit is implemented and fabricated using 0.18 關m Magnachip CMOS process. The spikes of output voltage are varied according to the inputs taken as control voltage and light intensity. As per the observation, read-out spikes of output voltage pulses provide more brightness level in the image pixels. The fabrication of proposed neuron circuit achieves less power consumption in nano-joule under dc supply of 3.3 V. The experimental result of output voltage is made good correlation with simulated one.
Keyword Neuron, retina circuit, CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor), dynamic feedback, event generator, Circuit simulation
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