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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NTThe Korean BioChip Society

BioChip Journal

Current Issue

Info. Vol.9 - No.1 (2015.03.20)
Title Transcriptomics Analyses of Genes Regulating Anthocyanin Production in Black Rice
Authors Jae-Hee Lee1,??/sup>, Young-Joo Seol1,??/sup>, Jang-Ho Hahn1, So-Youn Won1, Yong-Jae Won2, Yong-Kab Kim3, Yong-Hwan Kim4, Byung-Ki Kim5 & Chang-Kug Kim1,*
Institutions 1Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), Rural Development Administration, Jeonju 560-500, Korea
2Rice Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science, Suwon 441-857, Korea
3School of Electrical Information Communication Engineering, Wonkwang University, Iksan 570-749, Korea
4Chonbuk National University, Industrial Cooperation Foundation, R&D Center, Jeonju 561-756, Korea
5Chonnam National University, Department of Computer Science, Gwang-Ju 500-757, Korea
Abstract We used a 135K rice microarray to identify genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and metabolism in black rice. Using our multi-interaction screening method, we then screened 427 expression genes, 754 orthologous genes, and 416 pathway-network related genes associated with anthocyanin biosynthesis. Finally, we identified eight candidate genes by comparing pathway-expression genes, including ortholog-ontology genes. To verify the candidate genes, each was mapped to the black rice genome, and functional predictions were confirmed via phylogenetic reconstructions using the candidate genes and their homologous proteins. While the eight genes identified by our method require further characterization and validation, our study demonstrates the power of multiinteraction screening after the initial identification of genes with microarrays.
Keyword Anthocyanin pathway, Circos diagram, Phylogenetic tree, Rice microarray
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