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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NTThe Korean BioChip Society

BioChip Journal

Current Issue

Info. Vol.9 - No.4 (2015.12.20)
Title Effect of Cyclic Stretching on Cell Shape and Division
Authors Ee Hyun Kim1,2, Naeun Oh1, Myeongjun Jun3, Kisung Ko4 & Sungsu Park3,*
Institutions 1Department of Chemistry and Nano Sciences (BK21 Plus), Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea
2Mechanobiology Institute (MBI), National University of Singapore, Singapore 117411, Singapore
3School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
4Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Korea
Abstract In multicellular organisms, cell fate and tissue organization are greatly affected by the orientation of the cell division axis. Cell division is aligned perpendicular to the long axis of a cell - the so called ?쁇ertwig?셲 rule?? Because mechanical strains on cells cause arrangement of cytoskeleton molecules which determines cell shape, it is expected that mechanical strains also play an important role on the orientation of the cell division axis. In this study, we used a microfabricated cyclic stretching device to understand how mechanical strains affect the orientation of the cell division axis, which determines the spatial arrangement of daughter cells. When RPE-1 (retinal pigmented epithelial) cells were cyclically stretched during their prophase and prometa phase at various stretching magnitudes (5% and 10%) and frequencies (0.1-10 Hz), the cells??aspect ratios were at their highest. Compared to unstretched cells with aspect ratios below 2.5, the stretched ones with aspect ratios higher than 4 better suited Hertwig?셲 rule by showing a good alignment of spindle angle to the perpendicular direction to the long axis of their cell bodies. These results suggest that mechanical strains play important roles in determining the cell division axis by affecting cell shape and orientation.
Keyword Mechanical strains, Stretching, Cell division axis, Cell elongation
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