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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NTThe Korean BioChip Society

BioChip Journal

Current Issue

Info. Vol.10 - No.1 (2016.03.20)
Title A Cost-effective Microdevice Bridges Microfluidic and Conventional in vitro Scratch / Wound-healing Assay for Personalized Therapy Validation
Authors AnXiu Gao1,2, YunLi Tian1,2, ZhuanZhuan Shi1,2 & Ling Yu1,2,*
Institutions 1Institute for Clean energy & Advanced Materials, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
2Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Technologies of Clean Energies, Chongqing 400715, China
Abstract Enhanced motility in malignant cell is one hallmark of tumor metastasis. The clinical reality is that each of us responds differently to treatment, driving a significant nterest in the development of therapies that are ?쐒ight??to the individual. A biomedical analytical tool with low-cost, sensitive and short assaytime is critical for personalized medicine. Herein, a cost-effective and user-friendly microfluidic device was developed for studying of cell migration. A two-step photolithography procedure was conducted to reveal microchannels and microchambers with different depth. The PDMS/glass slide hydride device was assembled between a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) clamp which can adjust the pressure imposed on the device to control the fluid communication between mainchambers, thus identical wound (cell-free space)with clear edge can be easily formed within channel without extra chemical, mechanical force, fluidic manipulation and sophisticated microstructure. Using this device, we evaluated the combinatory of BRAFV600E inhibitor vemurafenib and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor gefitinib in inhibiting of melanoma cell migration with only 20 關L cell consumption, highlighting its potential in assaying rare clinical biopsy for personalized medicine. In addition, the on-chip migration model followed strictly follow the principle of conventional in vitro scratch/wound healing assay, facilitating it is translation to biologist.
Keyword Microfluidic, Cell migration, Wound-healing assay, Melanoma, Personalized medicine
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