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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

논문 정보 자세히 보기

Info. Vol.12 - No.3 (2018.09.20)
Title A Simple Pipetting-based Method for Encapsulating Live Cells into Multi-layered Hydrogel Droplets
Authors Ju Hun Yeon1,2, Sung Hee Chung3, Changyoon Baek3, Hyundoo Hwang4 & Junhong Min3,*
Institutions 1Department of Integrative Biosciences, University of Brain Education, Cheonan, Republic of Korea
2Korea Institute of Brain Science, Seoul, Republic of Korea
3School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
4BBB Inc., Seoul, Republic of Korea
*Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J. Min (junmin@cau.ac.kr)
Abstract Here, we present a simple pipetting-based approach for generating multi-layered core-shell hydrogel droplets composed of alginate for outer shell and collagen for culturing cells inside. By using a multi-hole plastic substrate and by pipetting, multi-layered hydrogel droplets were generated in a simple and rapid manner. HEK293 cells, which are human embryonic kidney cells, were cultured for 14 days in double-layered hydrogel droplet with high viability. Cancer cells were co-cultured with epithelial cells in multi-layered hydrogel droplets and applied for drug tests with curcumin. As epithelial cells protect cancer cells from anti-cancer drugs, co-cultured cells showed lower sensitivity to curcumin. We developed a simple and easy method for creating complex hydrogel particles for 3D multicellular co-culture and developed an alternative method for drug testing in vivo.
Keyword Multi-layered, Hydrogel, Droplets, Encapsulate, HEK293 cell, Drug assays
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