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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

논문 정보 자세히 보기

Info. Vol.5 - No.1 (2011.03.20)
Title Expression profiling of estrogen responsive genes on bisphenol A, 4-nonylphenol and 17棺-estradiol treatment using in house cDNA microarray
Authors Youn-Jung Kim1, Hye-Jung Yun2 & Jae-Chun Ryu3
Institutions 1Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 449-701, Korea
2Daemyung Science Co. Ltd, GaRak-Dong 128-9, Songpa-Gu, Seoul, Korea
3Cellular and Molecular Toxicology Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.C. Ryu ( ryujc@kist.re.kr)
Abstract Bisphenol A (BPA) and nonylphenol (NP) are thought to mimic estrogens in their action, and are called endocrine disrupting chemicals. These phenolic chemicals are used in a number of commercial products and have been reported to be weakly estrogenic in previous studies. Their estrogenic activities are mainly dependent on their binding affinity for the estrogen receptors in vitro and in vivo. To identify genes elicited by BPA and NP, we carried out a microarray analysis in MCF-7 cells treated with BPA and NP using human c-DNA microarray including 416 endocrine system related genes. At the minimum fold-change criteria of 1.5, 14 and 29 genes were identified showing significant changes in gene expression resulting from BPA and NP, respectively. Especially, 2 genes were repressed and 6 genes were induced by BPA and NP as 17棺-estradiol (E2). To validate the gene expression profiles identified from microarray analyses, the expression patterns of 4 representative genes, Seleno-protein P, plasma, 1 (SEPP1), Matrix Gla protein (MGP), H2A histone family, member X(H2AFX) and breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1) were examined by real time RT-PCR. We further examined the expression patterns of phthalic chemicals with estrogenic activity by comparing with those of E2 or phenolic chemicals to evaluate that alterations of these estrogen responsive genes may act as useful biomarkers to the endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity
Keyword Alkylphenol, Gene expression, Biomarker, Estrogen responsive gene, Endocrine disrupting chemicals
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