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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.2 - No.1 (2008.03.20)
Title Some Key Factors in a Bead-based Fluorescence Immunoassay
Authors Young Jun Kim1, Hye-Yoon Kim1, Chil Seong Ah1,Moon-Youn Jung1 & Seon-Hee Park1
Institutions 1IT Convergence and Component Laboratory, Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon 305-700, Korea Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.J. Kim (junkim@etri.re.kr)
Abstract In an effort to understand some key factors in a bead-based fluorescence immunoassay, a series of sandwich-type immunoassays were carried out on a glass plate using a latex bead embedded with dye molecules. The fluorescence bead functionalized with an amine functionality was conjugated with an anti- prostate specific antigen (anti-PSA) using glutaraldehyde. The glass surface was functionalized with the amine group using 3-aminopropltriethoxysilane(3-APT). The amine functionality on the glass surface was converted to aldehyde usinglutaraldehyde followed by conjugation with the anti-PSA. A series of sandwich-type immunoassays were carried out by incubating the anti-PSA bead with PSA followed by incubating the PSA/bead complex on the anti-PSA glass surface. The dependency of the fluorescence intensity in the immunoassay was observed to increase when the fluorescence bead concentration was increased from 10-3 mg/mL to 101 mg/mL with some signs of saturation around the range of 100 mg/mL to 101 mg/mL. Also, the fluorescence intensity was observed toincrease when the incubation time of the PSA /anti-PSA bead complex on the anti-PSA glass was increased from 5 minutes to 60minutes. The shear force generated during the washing step was observed to affect the bead-based immunoassay.
Keyword Bead-based immunoassay, Dye-embedded particle, Fluorescence bead, Shear force
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(사)한국바이오칩학회 (The Korean BioChip Society)
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