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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.15 - No.3 (2021.09.20)
Title The Novel Membrane-Type Micro-system to Assess the Bonus Effect of Physiological and Physical Stimuli on Bone Regeneration
Authors Yen-Ching Yang1 · Qian-Hui Hong1 · Kin Fong Lei1,2 · Alvin Chao-Yu Chen3,4
Institutions *Kin Fong Lei kflei@mail.cgu.edu.tw
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2Department of Radiation Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan
3Bone and Joint Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan
4Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan
Abstract The periosteal progenitor cell is suitable for bone tissue regeneration duo to its multipotent differentiation in osteogenesis and chondrogenesis. It was found that both physical and physiological stimuli can induce the differentiation of periosteal progenitor cells. However, the combined-effect of these two stimuli is not clear. The imitation of the nature movement—the cyclic tensile strain stimulation and the multiple growth factors producing cells—adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) were used as physical and physiological stimuli to investigate the differentiation of rabbit periosteal cells in this study. For this, a new membrane-type micro-system was invented to provide a simple examination platform for both factors in one single system. The specific rectangular culture chamber not only provided two different types of cells to grow separately but also delivered the single axial tensile strain generated in the micro-system to the cells. It was found that application of either physical or physiological stimuli alone was sufficient to induce the differentiation of periosteal cells. The low tensile strain (4, 5, 6 kPa) led to osteogenesis whereas high tensile strain (7 kPa) induced chondrogenesis. Even though the co-culture of ADSCs only induced osteogenic differentiation of periosteal cells, the co-culture of ADSCs to tensile strain treated periosteal cells further strengthened the osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potent in low and high tensile strain, respectively. This study provided the pre-clinical evidence of the stem cell therapy and continuous exercise in cell level bone tissue regeneration.
Keyword Periosteal cells · Adipose-derived stem cells · Osteogenesis · Orthopedics · Rehabilitation
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