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(사)한국바이오칩학회 The Korean BioChip Society

BT+IT+NT융합시대의 리더 : 한국바이오칩학회

학술지 열람

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Info. Vol.18 - No.1 (2024.03.20)
Title Recent Progress in Rapid Biosensor Fabrication Methods: Focus on Electrical Potential Application
Authors Yejin Yoon1, Yein Kwon1, Hanbin Park 1, Siyun Lee1, Chulhwan Park1, Taek Lee1*

Yejin Yoon and Yein Kwon contributed equally to this work.
*Taek Lee tlee@kw.ac.kr
Institutions 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 20 Kwangwoon-Ro, Nowon-Gu, Seoul 01897, Republic of Korea
Abstract The coronavirus disease pandemic has led to an urgent need for rapid and accurate viral diagnosis. Therefore, rapid biosen-sors, not only for viruses but also for the detection of bacteria, disease diagnosis, and environmental monitoring, have been
actively researched. Biosensors analyze the binding of biomolecules and target substances mainly based on electrochemical, electrical, or optical methods. To achieve precise and rapid diagnosis, it is crucial to reduce the time required for biomolecule– target substance binding. Typically, biomolecules reach the target substances through random diffusion, and to overcome the limitations associated herewith, biosensors have been integrated with alternating current (AC) electrokinetics (ACEK) technology. ACEK, through the application of alternating voltages, converts electrical energy into fluid motion, inducing pumping, mixing, concentration, and separation of the fluid. Its low power consumption makes it highly promising as a point-of-care diagnostic device. In this paper, we review the advancements in three ACEK technologies: AC electrothermal
flow, AC electro-osmosis, and AC di-electrophoresis, to discuss the development of rapid biosensor fabrication methods based on electrical potential applications.
Keyword AC electrokinetics  · AC electrothermal flow  · AC electro-osmosis  · Di-electrophoresis  · Electrochemical biosensor  · Electrical biosensor  · Optical biosensor
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